Picking up somewhere right where the Wright brothers left off, an Aviation major will cover almost every aspect of flying, including the business and economics behind the Aviation industry. This major is about more than just flying (although you do that, too) since Aviation is an entire industry in its own right. That means that there is a high demand for Aviation specialists, for people who understand the logistics behind flying a plane from Point A to Point B, including federal regulations, management skills, and the physical happenings that allow an aircraft to defy gravity.
Cool leather bomber jackets, sunglasses, and a copy of Top Gun probably won’t be passed out during your first day of classes as an Aviation major, so you better come prepared with a your own.
Air Transportation Analysis
Airline Marketing
Airport Management
Aviation Communication
Aviation Law
Aviation Management
Computer Science
Engineering Graphics
Geography of Transportation
National Aviation System
Principles of Macroeconomics
Private Pilot Fundamentals
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