Particularity of colored flag products in production and processing
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Particularity of colored flag products in production and processing

Release time:2022-06-15 14:16 view:190 次

The color flags we often see around us vary in size and color, which reflects the nature of the color flag products. It is this characteristic of the color flag product in form that determines the particularity of the product in the production process. So how does this particularity come about?

Our Qianhong flag manufacturer has also conducted a very detailed study on this particularity in the long-term flag production. The size differences of various flag products are quite large, and some can reach more than ten times or a hundred times, so this determines that few flag products have the same shape, which greatly increases the production difficulty of colored flags.

In the process of making colored flags, it is a systematic process of flag making from textiles to bleaching, dyeing, sewing to the formation of the final product. If some small-scale workshops make them, it is difficult to complete them. Only through the cooperation of multiple departments can we complete the batch production of flags. The most important thing is that the flag products generally have important representative significance. For example, our national flag has extremely important political significance, so the internal and external appearance of the flag products are very important, which requires all production enterprises to increase technical monitoring in the process of flag production to achieve high-quality production.

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